We all know how good it feels when someone shows that they care about you. Today marks R U OK? Day; a day all about showing that you care. R U OK? Day is an annual campaign committed to fostering conversation surrounding mental health. R U OK? Day invites Australians across the country to check in with their friends and family and make sure that nobody is suffering in silence. Beyond this, R U OK? is a suicide prevention charity that provides resources with the aim of teaching people how and when to ask if someone is okay. With resources such as these, it is easy to see that you don’t need a psychology degree to help out someone who is struggling.

At Woven Threads, we understand the impact that conversation can have on the lives of people suffering with mental illness. In our Stories from Within: Keenan episode, we learn that Keenan’s mental health journey starts to trend upwards once he begins talking to his wife. Despite having lost both of his parents and being in and out of the criminal justice system for most of his early life, Keenan found the strength to reach out and talk about what he was going through. Now, Keenan is the co-founder of Deadly Connections and a close friend of Woven Threads. Our research with the Black Dog Institute shows that sharing and hearing stories can make people feel supported during times of turmoil and encourage them to get back on a positive path.

To get involved and show your support, wear something yellow today. Check out local events, or attend the nationwide virtual event where R U OK? CEO Katherine Newton and special guests will share conversation starters as well as personal stories. Most importantly, remember to always check in with your loved ones - you never know who might need someone to talk to.
Help is available.
If you require immediate assistance, please call 000.
To speak to a 13YARN Crisis Supporter, call 13 92 76
For an Indigenous run and led support service please contact Deadly Connections on 18004USMOB or 1800487662
If you are in distress, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or chat online.
Have something on your mind? You can reach out to BeyondBlue at 1300 22 4636 or chat online.
Under 25? You can reach Kids Helpline at 1800 55 1800 or chat online.